The game's graphics include totally 3D environments with very good animations. Heroes of Might and Magic V has a playability that is similar to the third installment, in which the heroes don't act directly in the battle, but can launch spells. The real characters of the game are the heroes that, together with a large number of creatures, form the army that you will have to control. This is the fifth installment of the famous saga started in 1995, as a spin-off of Might and Magic, and became an instant success due to how they managed to combine role-playing elements with turn-based strategy. Fifth installment of the epic fantasy game

And like any good game of the genre you will be able to find knights, wizards, and all kinds of medieval weapons and objects that will help you to build a more powerful army. Heroes of Might and Magic V is a turn-based strategy game based on the Might and Magic fantasy universe.